What is All-in-one 4 HER?
Bringing all relevant actors and initiatives together on a platform for HERs
All-in-one 4 HER is a project funded by European Social Fund and Flemish government. It aims to develop a fast-track integration model for Highly Educated Refugees into the Flemish labour market. The challenge we address is the employment gap between natives and migrants in Flanders, Belgium which is over the EU average. This gap raises as the education level raises. Refugees represent one of the most vulnerable groups of migrants on the labour market. A big portion of Highly Educated Refugees (HERs) are overqualified for their jobs they occupy. Moreover in the first 5 years after arrival, only one in four refugees is employed, the lowest of all migrant groups.
There are already a lot of initiatives and projects on the ground but mostly fragmented and many with little impact. The challenge is make it work. All-in-one 4 HER project aims to have an impact of reducing this gap by developing a fast-track integration model for HERs in Flanders. This model is being developed based on an action research including relevant tripartite actors -Flemish government organisations, employers and HERs- and also using best practices from other European countries and regions.
This model will be experimented and operationalised by early and effective informing HERs by a Welcome Application, helping them to determine their path to work with professional career coaching and helping them on their path by voluntary based mentoring, and bringing all relevant actors and initiatives together on a platform. To make it happen, the project is supported by leading Flemish government organisations and several current initiatives, also a big network of HERs.
Our brochure Our flyerDeveloping a sustainable and working fast-track model for integrating Highly Educated Refugees (HER) into Flemish labour market
- To improve and accelerate the integration process of highly educated refugees
- To reduce the employment gap between HERs
- To decrease overqualified working
All-in-one 4 HER Platform
- improving the interoperability and communication between all actors
- making a one-stop-shop for HERs
- bringing all related initiatives together
Welcome Application for HER’s
- Increasing early situational awareness and facilitating adaptation
Handbook for system improvement
- improving labour market integration process
All-in-one 4 HER project has 4 phases which lasts for 3 years. Project starts with a research phase (I) which is followed by product development (II) and improvement of product (III). The last phase will be the distribution phase (IV) lasting for 6 months. During this project we will bring all partners and related stakeholders together under Advisory Board and Focus Group meetings and Workshops. We will use a comprehensive approach to determine, evaluate and offer an improvement in integration process.

Advisory Board Meetings
- 2 meetings (one per year)

Focus Group Meetings
- 5 meetings focusing on specific work packages

- 2 national and 4 transnational workshops
- We develop a mentor pool of natives and those with HER/migrant background who experienced the same way towards a job.
- We do matching of mentors with mentees on our platform based on their working sectors.
- We practice mentoring models developed by KU Leuven HIVA.
- The platform serves as also for a one-stop-shop for all mentoring initiatives for HERs.
- 16 HERs will be coached by professional coaches.
- The talent portfolios of HERs will be developed based on their internal compass and the needs of the job market.
- Coaches are from Papilio Projects, who has strong links with My Future Works, one of the leading coaching centres of Flanders.
- Coaches have strong experience with highly educated international talents.
- Provides a space for coordination and communication between stakeholders to accelerate the integration process of HERs into the labour market.
- Has different interfaces for each stakeholder based on need-to-know principle complying with GDPR.
- Fills the need for a one-stop-shop platform for HERs,
- to reach all relevant information.
- to get access to networks.
- to reach mentors & coaches.
- to find available jobs and get in contact with employers.
- Informs employers for hiring HERs and matches them with the right talents they are looking for.