Workplace Integration

You have little or do not have any work experience in Flanders? Do you want to learn and gain work experience at the same time? This can be through training or an internship in the workplace. Possibly with language support. This way you learn Dutch faster, you get to know new people and you gain experience.

Job coaching at the workplace

Do you need extra support in your new job? Then your employer can request free job coaching for you if you meet the necessary conditions. You are eligible for free job coaching if you work in Flanders for less than a year.

The job coaching will guide you on the work floor for a maximum of 6 months. For example, it helps you to familiarize yourself, to adopt the right attitude and to function well within the team. The purpose is to ensure that you feel good in your job and deliver quality work.

It is up to your employer to apply for job coaching. Would you like to give your employer some more information about job coaching? Then refer him to VDAB info for employers: website. And you can search for a job coach in your neighbourhood here.

Language coaching at the workplace

If you still have problems with Dutch language and need language support, your employer can request free language coaching for you if you meet the necessary conditions. You are eligible for free language coaching if you work in Flanders for less than a year.

It is only possible in combination with job coaching at the workplace. Language coaching can last for a maximum 12 months.

It is up to your employer to apply for language coaching. Would you like to give your employer some more information about language coaching? Then refer him to VDAB info for employers: here And you can search for a job coach in your neighborhood here.

Workplace learning by Individual job training (IBO contract via VDAB)

If you are a job seeker with little experience, and have a lot of enthusiasm to work, you can start your career in Flanders with an IBO contract. This contracting is an opportunity for Flemish employers to hire jobseekers with paying only a part of your salary. It is an agreement between VDAB and the employer to hire you for a period of maximum 6 months.

During your paid IBO period, you get trained in your company and learn the tricks of the job. After the IBO period, you can be recruited with a normal employment contract. During your IBO period you can get also free language coaching as well.

During your job interviews, you can tell this opportunity and ask for an IBO contract for starting a job by learning. Find more information about IBO here on the VDAB website.

Workplace learning by Social Employment (Article 60 via OCMW)

If you are still receiving living wages from OCMW (Social Services), you can also start working and learning at the workplace with a salary by an Article 60 contract between OCMW, employer and you. In this contract, OCMW remains your employer and your salary is paid by both parties.

The decision is given by the OCMW board of your municipality. The duration of the Article 60 contract is usually 18 months, after 18 months the employer can continue with the employee with a normal employment contract, but this is not guaranteed.

The name 'Article 60 employment' refers to Article 60 paragraph 7 of the OCMW Act. The social employment status (Article 60, § 7) applies to OCMW clients with the right to social integration who can be professionally activated. Find OCMW act here.

For more info, you can ask your OCMW assistant and as an example please check OCMW Leuven.

Trade Unions

Trade Unions are representative organizations for workers in Flanders and they defend workers’ interests. Trade Unions can assist you with some problems after you start working. You can ask for advice from following unions about your rights, payments, career, etc.

Helpful tools

    You can learn here about diversity practices in the workplace.
    What is diversity and diversity policy?
    What is discrimination? How can you react to discrimination?